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London’s top-quality Roofing & Exterior Renovations Company

Sustainable Eco-Friendly Roofing Choices for Your Home

Your home represents you and your lifestyle. Even small details, such as your home’s roofing material, can speak volumes. More and more homeowners are leaning toward eco-friendly roofing options that complement a green lifestyle. Learn more about the different sustainable roofing options available to you. 

Why Sustainable Roofing?

In recent years, we have upgraded traditional roofing materials to include more environmentally friendly options. Traditional roofing materials end up in landfills after they are removed. With landfills already facing overcrowding, choosing recyclable options keeps roofing material out of the landfills. Recycling old materials to make new roofing materials also uses less resources and energy than creating brand-new materials, meaning less pollution, too. 

Sustainable Roofing Options

Wood Shake Shingles

Wood shake shingles are made up of wood and other aggregates and manufactured into shingles for your roof. They are attractive and made from mostly natural and recyclable materials. However, they can require a costly upfront investment and regular maintenance to prevent water damage. 

Metal Roofing

Metal roof materials were originally used in industrial and commercial buildings. However, they have become more and more popular for residential roofing. Metal roofs last over 50 years on average, and they don’t require much maintenance. They are also rather attractive, and they are resistant to both fire and water. They can also reflect the sun away from your home, contributing toward summer cooling efforts. Most metal roofs are made up of some recyclable materials. Depending on the type of metal used, up to 100% of the material can be recycled for other uses. 

Clay Roofs

Clay roofs are one of the most attractive and long-lasting roofing options available, and they are also one of the most expensive. The material complements southwestern and Mediterranean architecture design well. Clay roofs are also made up of recyclable clay, so you can recycle the material when you replace the roof in 100+ years. 

Roofing Services Through Himalaya Group

Contact Himalaya Group today to get a quote for your new sustainable roofing in London, ON.